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Core Concepts

Before using Atomic Testing, familiarize yourself with the following key concepts:

Component Driver

At the heart of Atomic Testing are component drivers. They define how to programmatically interact with UI components, such as clicking a button, selecting a value from a dropdown, or reading a row from a grid.

A growing number of component drivers are available for popular UI frameworks like Material UI. Each component driver offers a set of methods for interacting with the component. When using TypeScript for writing tests, auto-completion can help discover available methods.


Refer to the API Reference for a list of available component drivers.


Locators help find components on a page, using various locator strategies such as byDataTestId and byRole.


The use of the data-testid attribute is recommended for locating components on a page. Refer to Best Practices for more details. Use the byDataTestId(value) API as the recommended approach for building locators.


A ScenePart is a map describing all components of interest (part) within a scene (a page or a rich UI component). Each entry in a ScenePart outlines the part name, the component locator, and the component driver.

A sample ScenePart of a typical login screen
import { HTMLAnchorDriver, HTMLElementDriver } from '@atomic-testing/component-driver-html';
import { ButtonDriver, TextFieldDriver } from '@atomic-testing/component-driver-mui-v5';
import { ScenePart, byDataTestId } from '@atomic-testing/core';

const loginScenePart: ScenePart = {
username: {
locator: byDataTestId('username'),
driver: TextFieldDriver,
password: {
locator: byDataTestId('password'),
driver: TextFieldDriver,
error: {
locator: byDataTestId('error-display'),
driver: HTMLElementDriver,
submit: {
locator: byDataTestId('submit'),
driver: ButtonDriver,
forgetPassword: {
locator: byDataTestId('forget-password'),
driver: HTMLAnchorDriver,
} satisfies ScenePart;

Test Engine

The Test Engine is where all the pieces come together. It is responsible for rendering a scene, locating all the components in the scene, and providing a set of methods to interact with the components.

Use createTestEngine to create a Test Engine instance. The createTestEngine function is specific to each rendering framework, such as React, Cypress, and Playwright.

The examples below demonstrate how to create a Test Engine for the loginScenePart described earlier.

import { createTestEngine } from '@atomic-testing/react';
import { loginScenePart } from './loginScenePart';
import { Login } from './components/Login';

const testEngine = createTestEngine(<Login />, loginScenePart);

Once the test engine is created, it can be used to interact with the components in the scene.

// Test code is agnostic to the rendering framework


const error = await;
expect(error).toEqual('Password is required'); // Jest assertion, but any assertion library can be used